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عرض المشاركات من فبراير, 2012

Making Music with MIDI

Tutorial: Making Music with MIDI Part 1: Benefits of MIDI How To Do It Unlike MP3 files and CDs, MIDI files contain individual instructions for playing each individual note of each individual instrument. So with MIDI it is actually possible to change just one note in a song, or to re-orchestrate an entire song with entirely different instruments. And since each instrument in a MIDI performance is separate from the rest, its easy to isolate individual instruments and study them for educational purposes, or to mute individual instruments in a song so that you can play that part yourself .  Here are just some of the tangible advantages of using MIDI for active music-making. Play with "a band" Learning to play a musical instrument is one of the most rewarding things people can do. But why play by yourself when you can play along with a band? Standard MIDI Files are available for many p...

Tutorial: MIDI and Music Synthesis

Tutorial: MIDI and Music Synthesis Introduction The Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) protocol has been widely accepted and utilized by musicians and composers since its conception in 1983. MIDI data is a very efficient method of representing musical performance information, and this makes MIDI an attractive protocol not only for composers or performers, but also for computer applications which produce sound, such as multimedia presentations or computer games. However, the lack of standardization of synthesizer capabilities hindered applications developers and presented new MIDI users with a rather steep learning curve to overcome. Fortunately, thanks to the publication of the General MIDI System specification, wide acceptance of the most common PC/MIDI interfaces, support for MIDI in Microsoft WINDOWS and other operating systems, and the evolution of low-cost music synthesizers, the MIDI protocol i...