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عرض المشاركات من يوليو, 2012

colorizing a movie

COLORIZATION Colorization is a computerized process that adds color to a black?and?white movie or TV program. The process was invented by Wilson Markle and was first used in 1970 to add color to monochrome footage of the moon from the Apollo mission. In 1983, Markle founded Colorization, Inc. The word "colorization" soon became a generic name for the adding of color to black?and?white footage . The process of colorizing a movie begins with a monochrome film print, preferably a new print struck from the original negative. From the film print, a high?quality videotape copy is made. Technicians, aided by a computer, determine the gray level of every object in every shot and note any movement of objects within shots. A computer adds color to each object, while keeping gray levels the same as ...