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عرض المشاركات من أبريل, ٢٠١٣

Close-ups of Small Animals by Shikhei Goh

Close-ups of Small Animals by Shikhei Goh (+Interview) Posted by Jimmy Afridi on 07:26. closeup , Other , picture , wallpapers - Hello everyone! Today we give a warm welcome to Shikhei Goh , a very talented photographer that has put a lot of passion, ambition and hard work into what he does. Saying so himself, Shikhei accepts constructive criticism and learns from mistakes, in order to become the best. We considered that he is there, among the best photographers alive, that immortalize insects and tiny creatures, magnifying their looks, to satisfy the curiosity of people and delight them. Insects and small lizards are captured in unique poses, tainted with a little humor and screaming professionalism all over. Our author here was also kind enough to reveal some details about himself and how he lives, so the exclusive interview is also worth reading, for sure. Enjoy it all the way! Q: Hello Shikhei. We are glad to have you here on Pashto Tutorialz.. Please introduce yourself...