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Winners of the 2019 Sony World Photography

Winners of the 2019 Sony World Photography Awards revealed

By World Photography Organisation | 8 hours ago

We are delighted to announce the overall winners of the 2019 Sony World Photography Awards. All the winners, including those from the Professional, Open, Student and Youth competitions, were revealed this evening at a prestigious ceremony in London. Rewarding the world's leading photographers the Awards celebrates our individual ways of seeing the world, and the talent, dedication and creativity needed to frame it.
The successful images are currently on show at the 2019 Sony World Photography Awards Exhibition at Somerset House, London, until May 6. Discover the exhibition that showcases incredible talent from across the globe. Book your tickets now.
PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR: Federico Borella, Italy
Five Degrees focuses on male suicide in the farming community of Tamil Nadu, Southern India, which is facing its worst drought in 140 years. Borella is awarded $25,000 (USD). See the full series here
Harmony is an image from the artist’s larger body of work, called Muses, which was inspired by the beauty and vulnerability of humankind. Rogers wins $5,000 (USD) to develop her passion for photography. 
The Professional competition represents the importance of the series and breaking new ground in the photographic medium. Asking artists to submit a body of work interpreting one of the ten thematic categories, each entry is rigorously judged in its narrative excellence, technical skill and ability in exploring creativity in new and exciting ways. See our ten category winners here
STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR: Sergi Villanueva, Spain, Universidad Jaume I, aged 25
La Terreta is a comprehensive portrayal of Valencia through the local orange farming and harvesting process. Villanueva wins €30,000 of Sony digital imaging equipment for their institution. See the full series here
Abuot is Westfall's striking portrait created in response to the theme 'Diversity.' Westfall is awarded a generous amount of the latest Sony digital imaging equipment.
All the winners were flown to the awards ceremony in London and received Sony digital imaging equipment, a copy of the winners’ book and get to see their work displayed at the 2019 Sony World Photography Awards Exhibition.

2019 Sony World Photography Awards Exhibition


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